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Get the Right People Doing the Right Things

Start-ups often grow by letting their first team fill whatever roles they want. But no one is responsible for specific elements of the Revenue Blueprint as the company grows larger.

You’ve probably heard of the phrase, “get the right people on the right seats on the bus.” If you suffer from festival seating, your team is scattered all over the bus with no direction where to sit or which stops to get on or off.

The skills that made your early team of visionaries successful – things like creativity, insightfulness, openness to new ideas, confidence and curiosity – also make them bad at sticking to their core accountabilities.

We’ve worked with many founders who dive into different responsibilities rather than focusing on their most important contributions. In turn, that trains their team that an all-hands-on-deck approach is expected and required in the corporate culture.

In Enterprise Velocity, we work with you to create business plans and your Revenue Blueprint so you know exactly what it takes to succeed. From there, we help you design specific roles, accountabilities and performance metrics to make sure you have the right people on the right seats of the bus.

If you don’t know what your Revenue Blueprint is, please ask us for a free consultation. We’d be happy to spend a call with you and your team talking through your goals and current choke points to see if we can help you unlock business growth.

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