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TED Magazine

Decision Grid Featured in TED Magazine for Electrical Distributors

One of the main tools in our Enterprise Velocity toolkit is something we call “Good Call.” It is our group of easy to use tools for making, tracking, communicating and managing decisions.

I want to give a big thank you to Bridget McCrea of TED Magazine for featuring our decision grid in her excellent article, “Turning Your Best Business Ideas into Actions, Part I.

To help distributors prioritize their business ideas and whittle them down to only the best ones, Matthew Turner, founder of the Boston Turner Group and a marketing professional who worked for NxTrend, Infor Distribution Group, and Accellos, says one of the best tools is a weighted grid analysis. Here’s how it works:  List out the options you’re considering as priorities as vertical rows in a table, and then use the criteria for importance as the horizontal column headers (e.g., profitability, customer loyalty, ease of implementation, etc.).

TED Magazine

My good friend, Joe Raventos, President of SMP a leading provider of distribution CRM was also quoted in the article. He had great ideas about putting customers first in your decision making.

Whatever the idea is, the key is to put the customer at the center of it. “Electrical distributors have one common purpose:  serve their customers profitably,” says Joe Raventos, president of distribution software firm Sales Management Plus. “The best customers have two very important characteristics: profitability and frequency of orders.”

If you’d like to learn more about our decision making tools, part of our much larger toolset for business growth, please contact us today.

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